The Internet Renaissance Band

Registration of your site to use midi files
from the Internet Renaissance Band

By using the files, you agree to the following:

  1. You affirm that your site is not used for commercial purposes (commercial sites please e-mail for arrangements).
  2. You will not modify the files.
  3. You will notify anyone who accesses a file that it is used with permission of the Internet Renaissance Band.
  4. You will provide a link to the Internet Renaissance Band ( on each page that plays or links a midi file, and identify it as the source of the midi files.
  5. You will allow me to provide a link to your page, at my discretion, but you understand that I am not obligated to provide a link (I will consider requests not to be linked).
Other than the URL and title of your site, all other information you submit, including your email address, will remain confidential.

Please fill out the following information to register. Items in bold are required. The URL may be provided as a link, but none of the rest of the information will be made available to anyone else. If your browser does not support forms, please e-mail the information to me.

Your name
Your e-mail address
Physical location of your site (e.g. Pomona, California)
The general subject of the web site
The primary URL of the web site that will use the midi files:

The title of the web site that will use the midi files, as you would want it to appear in a link:

Comments or additional URLs:

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This page Copyright © 2001 by Curtis Clark.