Nancy Charest encouraged me to take the class in the first place, and has been supportive ever since. Jim Stehn, former Director of the Cucamonga Renaissance Band (now Tapia's Gold), rekindled my interest in early music, and supplied a lot of music that ends up here. Pierre Schwob, by example, gave me the idea to put up a web page (Faren Raborn belongs here, too, but I saw Pierre's page first). Steve Bryant, colleague, friend, and fellow musician, has provided music, company, and encouragement. Mike Starke has been a continuing source of inspiration. Bob Fox, the versatile bassist of Tapia's Gold, has provided the hospitality of his home for practice sessions and the brief loan of his cornetto, trombone, and trumpet. Art Stillwell has shared his extensive knowledge of recorders and provided music, and I was heartened to realize that even he occasionally plays the wrong line. The members of the original Cucamonga Renaissance Ensemble and the original Jouyssance Early Music Ensemble provided pastime with good company. Robert Lathe and Michael Cuthbert have provided Praetorius info; Robert has shared a number of Praetorius midis and Michael helped me complete and correct Gavotte I. The denizens of have been especially helpful. I'd also like to thank those who have shared their midi files with me.
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